Section 1 - Foundations
- Intro, orientation and office hours
- Office hours
- Reading Pet Food Labels
- AAFCO guidelines basic – Benefits and Limitations
- Pros and cons of various commercial recipes – kibble, canned, gently cooked, raw, freeze dried.
- Species appropriate diet - Cats are not small dogs – Anatomy and physiology of digestion
- Proteins, Fats, Carbs and sugar metabolism
- Animal Proteins vs Plant Proteins- benefits and risks for pets and planet
- Water and dry food
- Protein – amino acids, peptides, innovative proteins, novel proteins
- Carbohydrates – simple, complex, fiber
- Fats – saturated, unsaturated, PUFAs
- Organic, Regenerative, non-organic
- What is GMO and how does it affect food and the environment
- Grains and legumes – Good, Bad, Necessary or Hogwash
- Vegetables and Fruits
- Synthetic vs food based nutrients- pros and cons
- Ingredients commonly found in commercial kibble
- Processed vs gently cooked whole food vs raw
- Human Grade vs Feed Grade
- How does nutrition affect health?
- Gut microbiome – what is it? What does it do? How to support healthy diversity with diet?
- Raw vs cooked- why does it matter? Can I cook a commercial raw diet?
- Ca:P ratio
- Omega 6:3 ratio
- Zinc: Copper ratio and sources
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin D
- How Pet Food is Regulated
Week 10
- Breed specific issues – for prevention
- Obesity - not always about total calories
- How to talk with clients - Getting a good history
- Knowing when to refer clients to another specialist
- Q&A session
- Assessment
Section 2 - Diet Formulation: with ADF
Week 12
- How the program works
- Choosing AAFCO vs NRC vs FEDIAF
- Ingredient selection – value, sourcing, preparation
a. Which ingredients should always be cooked and why.
b. Which ingredients to never use.
c. Ingredients ok in small quantities- how much is too much?
- Choosing synthetic vs food based nutrients when balancing diets
- Dr. Evelyn’s Nutrient Blend – benefits and possible risks
- Transitioning from processed to whole food diets
- How to measure serving size- cooked weight vs raw weight vs volume
- Real life scenarios
- Q&A session
- Assessment